7th State Blog

Welcome to our blog! This is where we have our recent project, tips, inspiration, and more. If you are looking for just a gallery of pictures and fewer words, take a look over at our portfolio. If you want to know our process and the before pictures, stay right here and comb through our recent projects. And if you want to learn, or have questions about the renovation process, this is also a great place to be! If you want to hear about a particular topic, let us know.

Planning for a Paver Patio and What You Need to Know

Planning for a Paver Patio and What You Need to Know

Many Americans took advantage of the opportunity that staying at home brought and started improvement projects in and around their properties. Some surveys report that as many as three out of four Americans completed a major project since the beginning of 2020. Upgrades range from building playrooms in basements or lofts, to re-envisioning outdoor areas as new, comfortable living spaces. If you’re looking to revamp an outdoor area, try planning for a paver patio. Here are some of the best tips to consider before you start.

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3 Reasons Now is the Time to Install a Fence

3 Reasons Now is the Time to Install a Fence

A fence offers so much more than curb appeal to a home. They provide a clear boundary around your property and keep intruders and wild animals at bay. Fences also help keep children and pets from wandering where they shouldn’t. Without a doubt, putting up a new fence can be costly in some instances. However, if you install a fence right now, during the off-season, you could save time and money.

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Easy Maintenance Townhouse Backyard Patio in Waldorf, MD

Easy Maintenance Townhouse Backyard Patio in Waldorf, MD

Every homeowner should feel proud of their home, inside and out. This includes having a beautiful, inviting backyard to spend free time and entertain guests. No matter the size of your yard. With this in mind, 7th State’s recent project included a townhouse in Waldorf, Maryland. For a variety of reasons, we found that the best solution for the limited backyard space would be a paver patio addition. In fact, paver patios are an excellent choice for any townhouse with a small yard. So, check out the results of the easy maintenance townhouse backyard patio project below.

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How to Transform Your Home with 3 Fresh Updates

How to Transform Your Home with 3 Fresh Updates

Does spending more time around the house have you itching for some home updates? You’re far from alone. 70% of Americans have started new home improvement projects this year. And, plenty more have remodeling plans for 2021. Needless to say, updates are a natural part of homeownership, and everyone deserves a cozy home. With this in mind, these three updates, whether completed together or individually, can transform your home.

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How to Plan for a New Deck for the Spring

How to Plan for a New Deck for the Spring

Maryland’s fall and winter seasons are a hit and miss when it comes to warm or cold days. However, it can leave you dreaming of dryer and warmer weather. It comes as no surprise that homeowners wait to improve their outdoor living space until the weather is better too. Many either don’t think construction companies can work with colder temperatures or just don’t have it top of mind. Believe it or not, this is the perfect time to plan for a new deck for the spring or any outdoor living space for that matter. It’s a great way to have it done in time to enjoy it when the weather is better. Or for some, space to enjoy the outdoors this fall and winter. Here is how to get started.

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Lovely New Patio & Pavilion to Inspire You

Lovely New Patio & Pavilion to Inspire You

For these Annapolis homeowners, they needed a space where they could visit with friends and family outdoors. And with current restrictions, it seems better to do that at home these days and forgo going out. Still, they wanted an area that was multi-purposed and could be used throughout the year. 7th State Builders were happy to work with them on a custom design to meet their goals. Check out this lovely new patio space.

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Best Ways to Winterize Your Home This Year

Best Ways to Winterize Your Home This Year

It’s not this year but every year. Living in Maryland, our weather is unpredictable. We can go from a beautiful 70 degrees fall day to ice-rain in 24 hours. Now, the past few winters haven’t been as bad compared to past snowmageddons but we just might be due for one. That is why no matter what, you should winterize your home. It is usually the largest investment we make and therefore should protect it. To help you get started, we have broken down a few lists of what you can do, what you should probably get a professional for, and bigger considerations. Here are some of the best ways to keep your home safe this winter season.

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All You Need to Know About a Bathroom Remodel

All You Need to Know About a Bathroom Remodel

It’s nice to browse through Pinterest, picking out your favorite bathroom designs. Yet, the actual bathroom renovations themselves can be daunting. There is a marriage between form and function that needs to fit into your budget. A bathroom remodel does not need to be daunting. That is why we wanted to put together a guide of sorts. If you are looking to redo or even adding a bathroom, here are some factors to know beforehand.

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Stunning Maryland Patio with a Fire Pit You Have to See

Stunning Maryland Patio with a Fire Pit You Have to See

7th State Builders took a trip south of D.C. to beautiful Accokeek, Maryland, to help this homeowner build a backyard oasis. They had ample space, but it was an empty canvas. Like so many of us staying home, they wanted a space to go outside and spend time. While they did have a pool, they needed something that was better suited for colder weather. This was also just the start. Read on to see the before and after of this stunning patio with a fire pit (if we do say so ourselves).

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How to Tell You Need to Replace Gutters

How to Tell You Need to Replace Gutters

Fall is upon us in Maryland. It is a great time to take a walk outside and enjoy the brisk air. While you are at it, take a look at the exterior of your home. Take particular care to inspect gutters. ‘Tis the time to clean them. Not only is the weather quite nice, but you can also flush them out before putting up the hose for the season. Remove all debris and give them a spray down. Best if at higher pressure to ensure it wipes away remaining debris. Once you are done, take a look at your gutters for any damage. You may need to repair or replace gutters, and fall is a perfect time to do it. Not sure what to look for? We can help. Here is a low-down on how to inspect and tell if they are damaged.

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