Farmhouse Bathroom Remodel in Maryland

Did you know Maryland was the seventh state to become a state? Hence our namesake. Agriculture has played an important part in the state’s history. So, it’s not uncommon to come across renovated farmhouses or those looking to remodel farmhouses. It’s a piece of history and is a great way to make something old into something new. However, with older structures comes not so easy remodeling projects. For this Maryland farmhouse bathroom remodel, that was no different.

While the bathroom was not a new addition, they used cast iron plumbing when it was put in. A brief history of this would this bathroom was created (or at least the plumbing) between the 1930s and the 1970s/80s. Around this time was when manufacturers changed to new materials. So while fixtures might have been updated over the years, the general layout/structure was pretty old. However, the homeowner wanted to make better use of the space and increase the size of the bathroom anyway, so it was a great time to update the plumbing. To see what we did to perform this beautiful bathroom renovation, read our recent project breakdown.

Also, make sure to follow us on Facebook. It’s a great resource for ideas, inspiration, and to see the quality of our work. If you have any questions about this or would be interested in a great bathroom update/remodel, give us a call today.